Fran and Will are Bloomin’ on Birch

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Around 10 years ago, foresters Fran and Will built their home in the heart of the Witherspoon-Jackson neighborhood. Fran mentioned their reasoning for choosing this area saying, “We really wanted […]

Skating Toward Sustainability: Will’s Wheels

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People emPOWERing Princeton: Will In a bustling town like Princeton, where navigating traffic and finding parking can be a daily struggle, some residents are choosing a different path—literally. Meet Will, […]

Sustainable Princeton’s Lending Library

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Sustainable Princeton’s new Lending Library offers residents and non-profit organizations of Princeton, NJ, the opportunity to borrow a variety of sustainable home items, including electric landscape equipment, induction cooktop, and […]

Step Up Princeton Challenge

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Sustainable Princeton’s Step Up Challenge has now concluded. Congratulations to everyone for doing such an amazing job! With 98 total participants, we walked: A total of 23,851,405 steps An average […]

From Drafty to Dreamy

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People emPOWERing Princeton: from Drafty to Dreamy Meet Becca and Carolyn, homeowners in Princeton who recently embarked on a transformative journey to improve their home’s comfort and energy efficiency. Dissatisfied […]

Explainer Series #9: Ticks & Mosquitoes

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Welcome to our explainer series, taking important topics and going deeper! Who let the bugs out? Summer is here! As we all get outside a lot more, it bears keeping […]