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Shrink Your Footprint: At Home

Thanks to everyone who attended our’s program, Shrink Your Footprint: At Home. If you missed this event, slide decks are available for each section of this presentation: Background and overview, Sustainable building techniques for new homes and additions, Energy conservation efforts for existing homes, and Sustainable affordable housing for all. You may also view the live stream of the event on Facebook.

We also want to thank the following speakers who contributed to this informative presentation:

  • Scott Fischer, Ciel Power, LLC
  • Heidi Fichtenbaum, Registered Architect and LEED Accredited Professional
  • Kate Warren, Princeton Affordable Housing Board
  • Forrest Meggers, Princeton University School of Architecture and Andlinger Center for Energy and Environment

This program was the first of four seminars focused on practical, actionable, and evidence-based steps to reduce the footprint of our daily lives.

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