Elana Berk
Communications & Outreach Manager
Sustainable Princeton
(609) 454-4757
Seth Siditsky
Communications & Marketing Manager
The Watershed Institute
Sustainable Princeton and The Watershed Institute Congratulate 16 Local Landscapers For Attending Green Infrastructure Workshop
6 businesses sent representatives to a workshop co-hosted by Sustainable Princeton and The Watershed Institute
On September 23, 2023, 16 landscapers from 6 different locally-owned businesses attended a 4-hour sustainable landscaping workshop at the Watershed Institute held exclusively in Spanish. The topics included: the new NJ stormwater management law, how rain gardens are a solution to stormwater management, how to build and maintain a rain garden, and the rules and guidance for working in Princeton.“Rain gardens help keep stormwater on our properties and out of our sewers—and neighbors yards. Managing stormwater using native plants is a way we can both protect the local ecosystem and increase our community’s resiliency to extreme weather events from climate change” Christine Symington, Executive Director of Sustainable Princeton said. “We’ve seen a huge interest from property owners in our community to build rain gardens in their yards and neighborhoods, and we want to help local landscapers be equipped to help meet these needs. It’s important for a resilient local economy and resilient community,”
“The Watershed Institute was thrilled to partner with Sustainable Princeton to develop and test this program specifically designed for Spanish-speaking landscapers,” Sophie Glovier, Chief Operating Officer at The Watershed Institute said. “The feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive, and they were interested in learning more. Bringing accessible information about green infrastructure to the landscaping community is vital as we work to combat the climate-related issues of flooding and challenges to our water quality like harmful algal blooms. We will be sharing this program design and lessons learned so that other communities across the state can learn from this successful program in Princeton”.

Workshop presenters included: Fredy Estrada, a former landscape company owner and community liaison consultant, Lucia Middleton—Community Water Advocate from the Watershed Institute, Molly Jones—nonprofit consultant and Jim Purcell, Assistant Municipal Engineer of Princeton.
Businesses represented at the workshop included:
- Dogwood Lawn Service LLC
- Verdant Organic Lawns
- Plantlife Landscaping LLC
- Guzman Landscaping
- Antonio Barillas
- J&J Tree Service
Sustainable Princeton and The Watershed Institute congratulate these businesses and their employees for their commitment to improving our community through sustainable infrastructure.
About Sustainable Princeton
Founded in 2012, Sustainable Princeton is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to inspire the community to develop and implement solutions that positively impact the environment. We envision Princeton as a model town that examines every action through the lens of sustainability, ensuring a healthy environment, a strong economy, and the well-being of all community members now and in the future. Our office is located at 1 Monument Drive, Princeton, New Jersey.
About The Watershed Institute
The Watershed Institute is dedicated to keeping Central New Jersey’s water clean, safe, and healthy. Founded in 1949, The Watershed Institute protects and restores water and the environment through conservation, advocacy, science, and education.
Learn more about The Watershed,